Noise Vortex is back

After almost a year of silence, I am happy to say that Noise Vortex is finally back on track.

It wasn’t for lack of wanting or motivation that held me back from posting though. With the GDPR coming into effect shortly after my last post, I had to make changes to the site to accommodate for the new regulations. The simple privacy policy I had in place wouldn’t have cut it and the previous site was custom-made and rigid as a result of that. Furthermore, the person that had been developing and maintaining the site up until that point had no time and motivation to take care of the site any longer, nor did the scale of the site justify any further investment. Despite that, I wanted to continue Noise Vortex so I had to make a choice.

As my own technical affinity is limited, I had no way of developing the site further myself as I am not familiar with the application that was running on my webspace. Whatever the case, the changes that had to be made not only in light of GDPR but the site in general would have required much more development work than it was worth, so I decided to move Noise Vortex over to a webspace hosting WordPress.

Not only am I more familiar with WordPress, it is also much more flexible and allows me to customize the site much more than the old iteration did. Previously I could only post to the site, the features that were available to me were extremely limited though they were everything that I needed when the site first moved to its own webspace.

However, moving to WordPress meant that I had to move over all of the content by hand as I had no means of automating the transfer from a custom database to a WordPress database. On top of that I had to figure out how to manage my webspace myself, set up the hosting environment for a WordPress installation and configure the blog to be the way I want it to be.

Given my work ethic and other obligations things took a while, to put it lightly.

Ironically, I’m sending the site back only exactly one year after the GDPR went into effect. The site is not entirely functional yet, email and contact related matters are being sorted out as I type this but the content is there and the site can be accessed. Now, things will go back to normal, coverage and posting will resume the way it used to be. The site is now future-proof, feature-complete and ready to resume operations.

Thank you for reading, I’ll see you soon.

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